Email helper
While the PHP provided mail() function works well for a quick email, it quickly becomes more of an issue when sending multi-part mime mail (e.g. HTML and Text). This helper tries to make it a bit easier, while still using the mail() function.
For example:
$email = new email(); $email->subject_set('My subject'); $email->body_text_add('...'); $email->body_html_add('...'); $email->send('');
And while we are on the subject, there is always the is_email() function.
You can view the source on GitHub.
The main config for the email helper includes...
To set the from address, where the name defaults to 'output.site_name':
$config['email.from_name'] = 'Name'; $config['email.from_email'] = '';
To set the subject prefix, where it defaults to the server name when not on live.
$config['email.subject_prefix'] = '';
If you want all emails to be re-directed to a different address (good for testing on stage).
$config['email.testing'] = '';
And while not strictly related, if you call the is_email() function, the domain is checked by default. This can be changed with:
$config['email.check_domain'] = false;
While not strictly necessary (it uses the defaults above), the following can be set with:
$email->subject_set(''); $email->subject_default_set(''); // Will try to use the HTML <title> from the template. $email->from_set($email); $email->from_set($email, $name); $email->reply_to_set($email); $email->reply_to_set($email, $name);
Additional recipients can be added with:
$email->cc_add($email); $email->cc_add($email, $name); $email->bcc_add($email); $email->bcc_add($email, $name);
And to actually send:
$email->send(''); $email->send(array('', ''));
Or if your using the GPG helper, based on the senders from address, then you can:
$email->request_table_add(); $email->values_table_add();
Example with table of values and attachment:
// $values = $form->data_array_get(); // $values = array('Name' => 'Craig', 'Telephone' => '0123456789'); $email = new email(); $email->request_table_add($values); // or values_table_add() to remove automatically added values $email->attachment_add($path, $mime); $email->send('');
$email->attachment_add($path, $mime); $email->attachment_add($path, $mime, $name);
And if you are using the form helper, you can pass an uploaded file via:
$email->template_set('my_template'); $email->template_value_set('NAME', 'Name'); $email->template_value_set_text('NAME', 'Name'); $email->template_value_set_html('NAME', 'Name');
Example, where the template files are:
/app/public/a/email/my-template/index.html /app/public/a/email/my-template/index.txt
These files can contain a [BODY] tag for body(html|text)add();
And use a [URL] tag for images also stored in this folder.
Then to send with multiple recipients:
$email = new email(); $email->template_set('my-template'); $recipients = array( array('name' => 'AAA', 'email' => ''), array('name' => 'BBB', 'email' => ''), array('name' => 'CCC', 'email' => ''), ); foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $email->template_value_set('NAME', $recipient['name']); // Looks for the tag [NAME] in the template HTML $email->send($recipient['email']); }