A basic-site is a good starting point for a website.
It typically has very little design, allowing you to start describing/building the websites functionality, and entering the content.
To begin, create an empty folder, and initialise the framework
mkdir company.project; cd company.project; ../craig.framework/framework/0.1/cli/ -i;
And while a good example for beginners, delete the file:
Place holder text
To show the content, use a generic function such as:
/app/library/setup/setup.php <?php //-------------------------------------------------- // CMS Text config::set('cms.default.editable', true); function echo_place_holder() { echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'title', 'wrapper_tag' => 'h1', 'global' => true, )); if (!config::get('output.new_page')) { echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'functionality', 'default' => 'None: Static content', )); echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'content', 'default' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit...', )); } } ?>
Automatic views
As we don't want to waste time creating lots of view files, we can get the framework to use a standard view automatically.
To do this, first create the generic view file:
/app/library/view/place-holder.ctp <?php echo_place_holder(); ?>
And get the HTML response helper to use this when the view does not exist:
/app/library/class/response-html.php <?php class response_html extends response_html_base { public function view_path_get() { $view_path = parent::view_path_get(); if (!is_file($view_path) && count($this->units_get()) == 0) { $new_path = $this->place_holder_setup(); if ($new_path) { $view_path = $new_path; $this->view_path_set($view_path); // Cache result } } return $view_path; } private function place_holder_setup() { $route_path = config::get('route.path'); $page_title = cms_text_html(array( 'path' => $route_path, 'section' => 'title', 'wrapper_tag' => 'none', 'editable' => false, 'default' => '', )); if ($page_title != '' || SERVER == 'stage') { config::set('output.new_page', ($page_title == '')); return ROOT . '/app/library/view/place-holder.ctp'; } } } ?>
The database
Set the database config:
/app/library/setup/config.php $config[''] = 'localhost'; $config[''] = 's-company-project'; $config['db.user'] = 'stage'; $config['db.prefix'] = 'tbl_'; $secrets['db.pass'] = ['type' => 'value'];
Then load the website.
It should complain about missing tables, and give you the SQL to create the tables (I prefer frameworks not to do this automatically).
Editing content
Then to allow you to edit the content, create the controller:
/app/controller/admin/cms-text.php <?php class admin_cms_text_controller extends controller_cms_text { } ?>
This will probably be part our admin control panel in the future, but for now its not password protected.
Editing content heading
As an optional step... when you load this page, its going to be missing a heading.
You can set one with something like:
/app/controller/admin/cms-text.php <?php class admin_cms_text_controller extends controller_cms_text { public function before() { $response = response_get(); $response->set('page_title', 'Page Content'); } } ?>
Then add it to the template with:
/app/template/default.ctp <?php if (isset($page_title)) { ?> <h1><?= html($page_title) ?></h1> <?php } ?>
So the navigation bar uses the page title for the link text, create the file:
/app/library/class/nav.php <?php class nav extends nav_base { public function link_name_get_html($url) { return cms_text_html(array( 'path' => $url, 'section' => 'title', 'wrapper_tag' => 'none', 'editable' => false, 'default' => $url, )); } } ?>
So when your creating your navigation, do it like this:
/app/template/default.ctp $nav = new nav(); $nav->link_add('/'); $nav->link_add('/about/'); $nav->link_add('/contact/'); $nav->link_add('/news/');
Then to create pages, simply add more link_add()
calls, refresh the site in your browser, follow the links in the nav, and set the pages title by clicking on it.
If the page does not have a title set, the url will be shown in the navigation, and on Demo/Live the page will return a 404.
Developing the site
As the site gets built, simply add your ctp files in /app/view/.
To continue seeing the content from the place-holder page, simply call:
<?php echo_place_holder(); ?>
Or if you want to start calling the cms_text_html()
helper function directly:
<?php echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'title', 'wrapper_tag' => 'h1', 'global' => true, )); echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'functionality', )); echo cms_text_html(array( 'section' => 'content', )); ?>