You should setup the uploading process, as it is quick and considerably less error prone.
Your configuration file will setup each location (e.g. Demo and Live servers).
$config['upload.demo.source'] = 'git'; // or 'svn' $config['upload.demo.location'] = 'demo:/www/demo/company.project'; $config['upload.demo.update'] = false; // or true, or array('project', 'framework') $config['upload.live.source'] = 'demo'; $config['upload.live.location'] = 'live:/www/live/company.project';
Where source says where it comes from, on Demo this is usually 'git' or 'svn', otherwise it is the name of another location.
The location is the server name and path (separated with a colon), to simply say where it should go.
For example, you could get the Demo server to pull from the Stage server:
$config['upload.stage.location'] = 'stage:/www/stage/company.project'; $config['upload.demo.source'] = 'stage'; $config['upload.demo.location'] = 'demo:/www/demo/company.project';
SCM Updates
If the source uses 'git' or 'svn', then you should checkout the project and framework at the specified location.
The framework will then look at the update configuration:
true will run the respective 'git pull' or 'svn update'.
false will not do anything (it assumes there is another process in place to update).
Or specify an array to only update the 'project' or 'framework' working directories.
Simply run the following:
./cli --upload=demo ./cli --upload=live
You could even create a "tolive" function in your ~/.bash_login:
function tolive () { if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then NAME=$(pwd | awk '{ sub("^/Volumes/WebServer/Projects/", ""); sub("/.*$", ""); print }'); else NAME=$(echo "$1" | awk '{ sub("^[\.\/]*", ""); sub("[\.\/]*$", ""); print }'); fi if [ -z "${NAME}" ]; then echo "Project Not Specified"; else ROOT="/Volumes/WebServer/Projects/${NAME}/"; if [ ! -d "$ROOT" ]; then echo "Project ${NAME} has not been checked out"; elif [ -L "$ROOT/cli" ]; then $ROOT/cli --upload=demo $ROOT/cli --upload=live else echo "Project ${NAME} does is not setup to move to live"; fi fi }
Install scripts
After the files have been uploaded, you can create an install script to do any final setup:
/app/library/setup/install.php /app/library/setup/install.sh
These rarely need to do anything though.
For example, the path for /a/files/ is usually setup though the Apache config... but if not, you could create a symlink:
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $1 ]; then SERVER="stage"; else SERVER=$1; fi if [ "${SERVER}" == "live" ]; then cd "./app/public/a"; ln -s "../../../files/" "./files"; fi