Or otherwise known as the 'Command Line Interface'.
Available in the project route is a single symlink:
It allows you to return configuration options:
./cli --config ./cli --config=output.site_name
Encrypt a value, using the key from environment variable PRIME_CONFIG_KEY
./cli --config-encrypt
Run a gateway script:
./cli --gateway ./cli --gateway=name
Run the maintenance scripts (e.g. via a cron job):
./cli --maintenance
Run the install process:
./cli --install
Create new things, such as units:
./cli --new
Correct permission problems:
./cli --permissions
Look for general issues, such as varying db collations/engines.
./cli --check
Update or compare against the 2 configuration files that list the database structure, and folders in the files directories.
./cli --dump ./cli --diff
Upload the project to a particular server:
./cli --upload=demo ./cli --upload=live
The following can be useful to check all fields in all of your databases.
In this case, looking for field names containing "ip", which have a length less than 50.
for F in */app/library/setup/database.txt; do echo; echo $F; php -r "\$tables = json_decode(file_get_contents('$F'), true); foreach (\$tables as \$name => \$table) { foreach (\$table['fields'] as \$field => \$info) { if (strpos(\$field, 'ip') !== false && \$info['length'] < 50) echo ' ' . \$name . '.' . \$field . ' = ' . \$info['type'] . '(' . \$info['length'] . ')' . \"\n\"; } }" done